If you've used MODX before, you may be familiar with the UltimateParent Snippet, used to get the Resource ID of the highest-level parent of a given child Resource. However, I'm often adding "toPlaceholder" support to it, and almost never utilize the "top" and "topLevel" features (nor can I ever remember exactly what they do LOL)
Anyways, here's a quick little alternative that doesn't have any loops, always grabs the ID of the "Root Resource" (aka "Ultimate Parent"), and has "toPlaceholder" support built-in. It's just a gist called rootResource:
Use Cases?
- If you're calling UltimateParent multiple times in your Template/Chunk, consider using rootResource with the placeholder feature.
- If you don't need the "top" and "topLevel" features, rootResource may be easier to grok, with tiny, theoretical, performance benefits.