MODX Quick Tip: Horizontal Breadcrumbs

Apr 9, 2012

The Problem

If you want breadcrumb navigation on your MODX website, it's as easy as installing the Breadcrumbs snippet and calling it in your template, like this:


The problem is, in MODX Revolution, the default output is an unordered list separated by a double-arrow: »

If you want a horizontal output, vs a vertical list, you'd select the list items in your CSS - but the double-arrows don't behave because they're not wrapped in any containers.

The Solution(s)

I think there's a CSS selector that will select the double-arrows despite the fact that they're not wrapped. If not, there's definitely one in jQuery. But those aren't the methods I've chosen, because in MODX I can easily customize the output of anything :P

The Snippet Call

[[Breadcrumbs? &crumbSeparator=`<li>»</li>`]]

Break It Down:

The &crumbSeparator property allows you to customize the output of the double-arrows. Here I've wrapped them in list item tags, so they behave just like the navigation elements. Float all list items and voila - horizontal breadcrumbs! So simple...